
What you are saying and what we are

Any other time I would be surprised by your comments
Not now though, as you look stunned and puzzled by my looks
Youthful you say, despite my mature and somewhat conservative behavior
Additional proof, if ever one was needed, that who we are may be deceptive.

I listen to the rapid fire of your carefully picked words and only
Once in a while I detect hesitation, mostly, it is your mind’s flow
Appraising the untenable details of our magic encounter,
Nourishing, not only on the surface, and tender in so many ways…

Tempting like a rare perfume is your subtle suggestion
Whispered between an invitation and a soundless wish
Only to be heard and understood as miraculous possibility…

We radiate like stones mounted on long lost rings
As dazzling and as unnoticed as the imploding stars of a
Neutral and all important universe known only to a handful of
Dedicated observers…

It is said that what’s good for the fourth century
Elevates our own, yet we haven’t even started to practice beyond
Reluctant and timid gestures… we learn more about power
Intercepting our own weak signals on the way, spells of innocence
Nested in our wandering souls, we learn new strategies of hiding our
Good side and new ways of using our cynical strength…

Sit and tell me stories
Or walk with me to the park
Under warm and gentle wind
Let your words flow
Stay a while. Here. Yes…

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